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Almost all furniture in ASPLUND Collection is made to order in factories in Tibro and Mullsjö in Sweden, where several steps in the production are done by hand. ASPLUND is deeply engaged in the processes, from sketches to the finished products, and often customizes items to meet individual clients’ needs and preferences.

In a time where the trend among furniture brands is to outsource production abroad, ASPLUND remains determined and committed to keep most manufacturing within Sweden. Sandra Adrian Asplund explains: “We produce all our furniture in Sweden. This way we support our local industry and the skilled craftsmen, as well as we ensure ethic and environmentally friendly production. Only carefully selected, mostly natural and durable materials are used. Natural materials often require a bit of love and care, but in return, they age beautifully and last a lifetime.

We believe that good design and Made in Sweden is an ensuring of quality.

Read more about the ASPLUND Philosophy.


The ASPLUND carpets are handmade in India, mainly because there is no equivalent carpet production available in Sweden at the present. We have been very careful in selecting a manufacturer who shares our quality and humanitarian values. We have always incorporated sustainable thinking in every sense as a fundamental part of our design and manufacturing philosophy. Our conviction is that superior quality objects of high aesthetic value, sustainably manufactured, always last a very long time.